
Who Is This Chick, Anyway?

My name is Stacey Brown and I am a town girl who fell in love with a kid from the sticks. My husband is nationally recognized horse trainer, Shane Brown and we live on a ranch in Colorado with our two kids. I grew up thinking I would be a lawyer, an office rat or a stay at home suburban mom - NOT a rancher's wife! It has been an adventure to say the least...

My writing started as a kid in junior high (middle school to those under 35) and while I truly enjoyed it, I put tons of pressure on myself to always be the best. Since that is not possible, especially for a red-headed, pimple faced girl of 13, I decided that writing only furthered my geeky image and I set out to be popular instead. (Truthfully, I should have stuck with writing!) It wasn't until I had two kids heading into teenage-dom themselves that I got back into the craft. With the  support of my kids and my amazing husband  (and an almighty shove from the Lord) I was able to write and self publish a short book on trusting God called "A Bag Lady In the Throne Room of God."

My perspective on living a life for Christ is different from most. I live on a horse ranch and face challenges that can be funny, harrowing, introspective and encouraging. While my geography is unique, my troubles and insights are not. I believe in living an honest and authentic life that doesn't hide my humanity and all it's flaws, but reveals them so that others might see that God loves the unloveable, even outside the onion-skinned pages of the Bible. 

If you are looking for a quiet space filled with white on white upholstery and gentle spa music in the background, if you are looking for a perma-smile and continuously coifed visage, if you are hoping for a peaceful soul doling out mouthfuls of grace and loveliness, you should look elsewhere. My life is filled with horse apples, plenty of dirt, the occasional buffalo chip and grace - Lots and lots of grace!

C'mon in, pour yourself a cup, move the laundry, pull up a chair and watch while God renovates my soul... You may want to scootch back a bit - Sometimes He'll get a little on ya!

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